Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wedding Traditions Guys Hate

“The Groom With a View,”
a funny male blogger who writes about weddings, recently posted about wedding traditions that guys hate. If you’ve been following my blog you know that I have posted a bit about the origins of wedding traditions and I recently wrote an article about ways to modernize out-of-date traditions. Naturally I was very excited to read The Groom’s opinion on dull traditions.

Two that he mentioned were the first dance and the cake cutting. I agree to a certain extent about the first dance, it’s boring for guests to just sit there and watch the couple awkwardly slow dance while gazing into each other’s eyes. Additional points are subtracted if the couple selects a horrible song like Olivia Newton John’s “I Honestly Love You” (seriously, haven’t they seen The Wedding Planner?)

I have mixed feelings about cake cutting. How can you not cut your own wedding cake?! Also I have no problem with watching while the couple cuts their cake. It doesn’t even take very long. However I hate it when couples smear wedding cake all over each other’s faces. It’s not cute and no one enjoys seeing it.

I was a little surprised to hear that the Groom doesn’t like sitting through normal cake-cutting though. His argument is that it stops the flow of the party. Ultimately though, the couple is footing the bill for a fun party, I think you can sit through their photo-op with their pricey cake that you are about to enjoy!

What do you think? Which traditions bore you? Do you plan on cutting your wedding cake and having a first dance?

Guys are happy to eat your delicious wedding cake, but apparently they get bored watching you cut it!


  1. Thanks for the link! I really wanted to have an assortment of pies instead of a cake, but that idea didn't go over too well. Still, to answer your question, we'll probably end up having a formal cake cutting. It is tradition, afterall.

  2. i definitely agree about the smearing the cake business. how did that become its own tradition? especially after brides pay so much for getting professionally made-up, how can they be okay with having smeared mascara and icing blush for the rest of the night? and how is the groom like "oh yeah, that's hot."

    i think that most of the wedding traditions range in boredom depending on how well you know the couple. if the bride and/or groom are your children/best friends/close relatives, things like the first dance and the cake cutting are romantic and meaningful and sweet; if you're a distant cousin or only there as your girlfriend's date or other obligated-to-be-there guest, you're definitely going to find the traditions boring, because the people don't mean as much to you, and you'd rather be enjoying the open bar or dj.

  3. Groom: I actually LOVE the idea of having an assortment of pies. I also think gelato is a great dessert idea. Why not have pies AND a wedding cake?

  4. Danielle: You are completely right with regard to boredom correlating to how well you know the couple. That's true for how much you enjoy the entire wedding.

  5. As with all old traditions that suck there's always something you can do to revamp it. There are tonnes of youtube videos with couples doing a cheesy routine for the first dance to make it comically entertaining for their guests. Then there are the couples who are truly great dancers who look like a scene out of a Fred Astaire movie.The dance is what you make of it, a comic routine, a dance showcase or just a private moment in a crowded room.

  6. yes that's true Zen. For the most part I don't mind watching first dances, they sometimes get a little boring, but if the couple has put effort into it, like you mentioned by practicing the dance, then it's much better for everyone involved.
